The latest iOS 14.5 update has brought about significant changes to the world of digital advertising, and it’s important for marketers and brands to understand the implications of these changes. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key features of the iOS 14.5 update and how they impact marketers and brands.

App Tracking Transparency (ATT) 

    1. One of the key features of the iOS 14.5 update is the introduction of App Tracking Transparency (ATT), which requires apps to ask for user permission before tracking their data. This means that marketers will need to be more transparent about their data collection practices, and may need to adjust their targeting strategies accordingly.

      Impacts on advertising measurement

    1. Another impact of the iOS 14.5 update is that it will affect the way that advertising measurement is performed. Marketers may see changes in the data available for measurement, and will need to adjust their analytics tools and reporting processes accordingly.

      Changes to Facebook advertising

      3. The iOS 14.5 update has also had a significant impact on Facebook advertising, with changes to the way that data is collected and used for advertising purposes. Changes to Facebook ads have always evolved over time, and will likely continue to do so. We are seeing a 24-72 hour delay in event reporting, a change in attribution windows changing to 1-day click/view and a limit to 9 campaigns per app and 5 ad sets per campaign.

      We’ve seen Facebook’s App ads be affected with a maximum number of campaigns (8) for all mobile iOS campaigns but the changes affect web campaigns as well. The following quote is from Facebook on the changes to website conversion campaigns and aggregated event measurement (AEM):

      “We’ve introduced updates to website conversion campaigns. Now, there are no steps you need to take for your events to be processed through Aggregated Event Measurement. Here are the changes you’ll see when you have access:

    • You no longer need to prioritize 8 conversion events per domain for web conversion optimization, and you don’t need to turn on value sets in order to use value optimization.
    • The Aggregated Event Measurement tab in Meta Events Manager has been removed because you no longer need to configure your web events.
    • You aren’t required to verify your website domains for purposes related to event configuration. However, you may still need to verify your domain for other reasons. Learn when to use domain verification.
    • You don’t need to select a conversion domain when you create a campaign in Ads Manager.
    • Aggregated Event Measurement is designed to help keep data used to facilitate conversion reporting and ads optimization private. It will continue to evolve to help our advertisers support consumer privacy.”

The importance of privacy

4. Finally, the iOS 14.5 update highlights the importance of privacy in digital advertising. Brands and marketers will need to be mindful of the data they collect and how they use it, and ensure that they are in compliance with privacy regulations and best practices.

In conclusion, the iOS 14.5 update has brought about significant changes to the world of digital advertising, and it’s important for marketers and brands to understand these changes and adjust their strategies accordingly. By being transparent about their data collection practices, adapting to changes in measurement and advertising, and prioritizing privacy, marketers and brands can navigate the new landscape of digital advertising and continue to reach their target audiences effectively. Switching your source of truth to first-party data and implementing new best practices will help you generate positive ROAS on paid ads. 

We can help! We keep our clients informed of changes to ad strategy and reporting that could hurt their bottom line. If you’re not working with Crux Media and you have questions about optimizing your media spend, we are offering free growth plans. We’ll discuss your goals, audit your account and let you know how we can support your brands growth.

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