Why Multivariate Testing Is Important:


Looking to maximize your ad performance? Look no further! Creative testing and multivariate testing are key strategies to achieve optimal results. 

There are many ‘ad gurus’ out there preaching silver bullets about things like a one campaign set up or others talking about more convoluted account structures that will guarantee strong performance.

The truth is, there is no silver bullet – each brand and ad account is different – so when I see templates or a one size fits all approach, I often shrug. The image above of an example campaign testing structure is just that, an example. Specific set ups can vary based on a brand’s strategy and KPI’s.

With that out of the way, I’d say if there is one approach or strategy that can have a big impact on success, it’s multivariate testing. Truly understanding which creative elements in your ads are driving success can help unlock long-term performance. Find winning ads and test them against new ad copy, audiences or landing pages to find winning combinations.

#1. Multivariate testing helps you find the most effective ad creative

Testing allows you to test different versions of an ad to see which one performs better. This could involve testing different headlines, hooks, B-roll, calls to action, or any other elements of the ad. We discuss the structure of a good video ad in this blog post here.

By testing different variations of your ad and creative elements within it, you can determine which creative resonates best with your target audience, and use that knowledge to create more effective ads in the future.

This is helpful for creating iterations of top performing ads and extending the life of your top performers.

#2. Multivariate testing provides data-driven insights
Multivariate testing is a data-driven approach to advertising. It provides you with valuable insights into how your ads are performing and what changes you can make to improve their performance.

Measure both upper funnel metrics (CTR, Thumb Stop %, Hold Rate %) and lower funnel metrics (conversions, CPA). In some cases, it can be useful to creative a ‘Creative Score’ using a formula (CVR x CTR x 1000) to help determine performance.

This data can help you make informed decisions about your creatives, allowing you to iterate and scale.

#3. Multivariate testing supports continuous improvement and hyper-growth (this is the big one)

Multivariate testing is not a one-time effort; it’s an ongoing process. By continuously optimizing your ads through testing, you can increase the number of winning ads in your ad account. The impact that multivariate testing can have over A/B testing is massive. There are some main differences between multivariate and A/B testing.

Multivariate testing allows you to zone in on which specific creative element, headline or description, landing page or audience targeting is driving the best conversion rates, and doing it at scale. Your trigger finger is crucial for pausing under performing ads quickly, usually within 2-3 days, and shifting the majority of spend to the top performers.

Once winning ads are determined, they need to be launched into your evergreen campaigns to help combat creative fatigue. As your winning ads are starting to thrive, it’s time to iterate on what’s worked.

For example, maybe you had a strong thumb stop % meaning that your hook or intro performed the best but your B-roll or middle of your ad had a poor hold rate %. Time to take that winning hook or intro of your ad and test new B-roll or end frame CTA’s.

As you test, pause and iterate, you’ll notice the number of ads in the account will maintain or increase over time as you scale your top performers. 

Results come over time

Over time, this will lead to lower costs, higher conversions, and a higher ROI for your advertising efforts. This will also help you stay ahead of the competition and drive better results for your business. Multivariate testing is an essential tool for optimizing ad performance.

By testing different variations of your ad, you can find the most effective creative, make data-driven decisions, increase your ROI, and support continuous improvement. Whether you’re just starting out with advertising or you’re a seasoned pro, multivariate testing should be a key part of your advertising strategy.

Contact us below ⬇️ if you are interested in adding more tests to your digital marketing strategy, we are happy to help! 





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